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For the Record: Searching for Bigfoot, unicorns and an independent candidate

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For the Record
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Speculation on VP choices for both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump ran rampant this weekend when it became clear that we're out of things to talk about. Seriously, we've known the candidates' platforms for almost a year, we're still two months out from the conventions and four months out from the debates . Hillary needs a young, exciting running mate to bring the Bernie Sanders supporters on board (as of today, we're betting on Sen. Cory Booker); Trump, meanwhile, needs someone who knows Congresshas nothing to lose and has strong personal reasons for jumping in the race . We joked about a Donald Trump-John Boehner ticket earlier, but it doesn't sound quite as crazy anymore ... just in case, here's eHow's "How to Remove an Orange Tint from a TV."

In today's For the Record, we look ahead to this week's primaries in Oregon and Kentucky, and the increasingly impossible chances of recruiting an independent anti-Trump.

A week late and $1 billion short

The last time Texas didn't vote for the Republican"Sanford and Son" was still on the air. But for the GOP's #NeverTrump dead-enders, it's a state that's no longer in play for a Republican-leaning independent candidate.  Last Monday was the deadline to submit signatures to appear on the Lone Star State's ballot and have a shot at its 38 delegates in the November election, and anti-Trump forces led by Mitt Romney and Bill Kristol still don't have their alternative candidate. (Over the weekend, GOP chair referred to it as a " suicide mission.") Deadlines for swing states North Carolina and Florida are coming up fast, and signatures would need to be gathered quickly for ... someone.

Over the weekend came reports of efforts to draft businessman/reality show star Mark Cuban in a "fight fire with fire" sort of strategy; Cuban himself even re-retweeted a 2014 article pitching him as a possibility, but told the Washington Post  that he wasn't interested in making a run. Also mentioned: former candidate John Kasich, Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE), former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice, ex-military men James Mattis and Stanley McChrystal, and the guy who just delivered pizza to Mitt Romney's house. (When reached for comment, he said, "I have four more pizzas to deliver on this run, I don't have time for this right now" which doesn't sound like a hard "no.")

Tomorrow's Democratic primaries: Closer than expected on both fronts

Kentucky looks like a state that Hillary Clinton shouldn't have had to think twice about: closed primary in an arguably Southern state that she won in 2008, and one that her husband won in 1992 and 1996. Less than a year ago, she led Sanders 56-12. Now it's 43-38 , and she's burning campaign funds to secure a victory even though - true story - the Associated Press decided to stop covering Bernie's campaign appearances since the odds are not on his side.

On the other hand, Oregon looks like Bernie Country (that is, white and Northwestern). Short of promising voters free Voodoo Doughnuts for life, it didn't look like Clinton would have a shot to top Sanders in Oregon - but poll numbers look promising for Team HRC.

Oregon has slightly more pledged delegates at stake on Tuesday (61, to Kentucky's 55), but the two Democratic candidates spent the weekend in Kentucky anyway. Clinton's speech in Louisville focused on Trump rather than Sanders, even though Sanders' resurgence is the whole reason she's there. At a Bowling Green rally, Sanders criticized the primary system, as per usual, and  suggested that members of Congress wear sponsor jackets like NASCAR drivers, which ... wait, did he lift that from a Robin Williams routine? (So, so very NSFW).

More from the campaign trail

Mr. Not-Beholden-to-Donors now seeking donors for the general election (The Gleaner)
Coming soon: "I'll release my tax returns when you release your Wall Street speech transcripts" (USA TODAY OnPolitics)
Worst way to get through the next six months: Treat every campaign ad like it's a bullying incident (Cincinnati Enquirer)
Surprise! Thousands of Oregonians automatically registered to vote. "We got the idea from that automatic U2 album download," says Oregon (Statesman Journal)

Nevada Democrats are making Trump and Ryan look like besties

Let's check in on how well swing-state Democrats in Nevada are coalescing around Hillary Clinton as the party's presumptive nominee ... oh, hm.

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