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The Note: Commander-in-Chief Tryouts


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September 7, 2016 MORE POLITICS >
Commander-in-Chief Tryouts
Trump Wants Plan to Defeat ISIS in 30 Days if Elected
Donald Trump is expected to unveil a plan to end the military sequester -- across the board budget cuts -- during a speech in Philadelphia today after saying last night he will ask his top military officials to formulate a plan for defeating ISIS within his first 30 days in office. "We are going to convey my top generals and give them a simple instruction," Trump told the crowd in Greenville, N.C. last night. "They will have 30 days to submit to the oval office a plan for soundly and quickly defeating ISIS. We have no choice." http://abcn.ws/2cEU7bq
Happening Today
In a briefing with the campaign, an aide previewed his address to the Philadelphia Union League today, adding that Trump will begin a substantial increase in military spending, as the candidate has advocated before. Trump's address will largely focus on military spending, presenting a contrast between what the campaign calls the "adventurism" of Democratic rival Hillary Clinton and Trump's "clear-eyed" pursuit of the nation's national interest. Trump also laid out other plans for his first days in office, a rare display of specificity for the candidate. ABC's CANDACE SMITH has more: http://abcn.ws/2cEU7bq
Clinton, Kaine Hit Trump on National Security
Although miles apart campaigning in different battleground states, Hillary Clinton and her running mate, Tim Kaine, shared one mission on the trail yesterday -- needling Donald Trump over national security. Clinton, speaking at a voter registration rally in Tampa, Florida yesterday afternoon, criticized her opponent for his treatment towards veterans. "His whole campaign has been one lone insult to all those who've worn the uniform to protect our most cherished American values," the Democratic presidential nominee said. Meanwhile, Kaine was in Wilmington, North Carolina delivering what the campaign had billed as a major address on national security, ABC's LIZ KREUTZ and JESSICA HOPPER report. The Virginia senator attacked Trump as an "emotionally volatile" reality TV star whose foreign policy ideas are in "stark opposition" to American national security goals, but match "perfectly with Vladimir Putin's wish list." http://abcn.ws/2cib2yP
Analysis - ABC's RICK KLEIN
In the evolving standards Donald Trump is using for disclosure, some twists have been added. "Let her release lease her emails and I will release my tax returns immediately," Trump told Bill O'Reilly on Fox, adding on to the promise that his returns would be disclosed as soon as his "routine audit" is completed. And pressed by ABC's David Muir on why he doesn't release his own full medical records to coax Hillary Clinton into doing the same, "I think I will do that" was his response. If past is predictive, voters will see neither Trump's full medical records nor his tax returns before Nov. 8. But his changing standards for what he might release, under which conditions, and when deserve their own attention and scrutiny. Yes, Clinton is known – and rightly – for secrecy. But the amount of information Trump has not provided about his own finances and personal health remain unprecedented in modern politics.
Kellyanne Conway on 'GMA': Roger Ailes Stopped By for Lunch Recently
Donald Trump's campaign manager, Kellyanne Conway, deflected a question this morning about whether Roger Ailes' advising Trump on debate prep is inappropriate in light of the sexual harassment allegations made against the former Fox News chairman. "I'm at Trump Tower every day," Conway said on "Good Morning America." "I've never seen Mr. Ailes there. I saw him one time for lunch recently." When asked whether Ailes is still giving Trump debate advice, Conway said she doesn't know, ABC's VERONICA STRACQUALURSI notes. "I don't know because Mr. Trump speaks to many people on the phone when I'm not there," Conway said. "They've known each other probably for 30 years I would think, pre-FOX News and pre-presidential politics." 21st Century Fox settled the sexual harassment lawsuit with former Fox News anchor Gretchen Carlson for $20 million. Ailes left the network July 21. http://abcn.ws/2bXsz0Z
Trump Says He'll Release Full Medical Records
In an exclusive interview Monday in Ohio, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told ABC's DAVID MUIR that he plans to release his full medical records. Neither of the presidential candidates has divulged his or her full medical records. But Trump told Muir Monday that if Democratic rival Hillary Clinton wants to make her medical history public, he would do the same, "100 percent." "Why not go first?" Muir pressed. "I might do that, I might do that," Trump answered. "In fact, now that you ask, I think I will do that," writes ABC's VERONICA STRACQUALURSI. http://abcn.ws/2cE1pfK
Trump, Clinton Running Neck and Neck in New Poll 2 Months Before Election Day
With about two months left until Election Day, a new national poll shows a tight race between the two major-party nominees. Donald Trump sits at 45 percent support, and Hillary Clinton has 43 percent in a CNN/ORC poll released Tuesday. The margin of error is 3 percentage points. Clinton has dropped 9 points from the previous CNN/ORC poll, released Aug. 1. The Democratic presidential candidate held a clear 9 point lead in the August CNN/ORC poll, 52 percent to Trump's 43 percent, notes ABC's VERONICA STRACQUALURSI. http://abcn.ws/2cwpAvg
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