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The Note: David Muir Marks Final Sprint to Election Day with Exclusive Interviews


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September 6, 2016 MORE POLITICS >
David Muir Marks Final Sprint to Election Day with Exclusive Interviews
Clinton Says Trump Choked in Mexico
Hillary Clinton said in an exclusive interview with ABC's DAVID MUIR yesterday that Donald Trump created a "diplomatic incident" last week with his trip to Mexico. "He came out saying one thing and the Mexican president contradicted him almost immediately," Clinton said, referring to Trump's claim that he did not discuss payment for the border wall, a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. "He didn't raise it, so he did choke. He didn't know how to even communicate effectively with a head of state. And I think that's a pretty clear outcome from that trip," she said. ABC's JOSH HASKELL has more: http://abcn.ws/2bSKbbF
Trump Says He Didn't
Trump responded to Clinton's remark that he "did choke" by failing to get Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to say that his country would pay for the building of a wall on its border with the U.S. "I don't choke," Trump told ABC's DAVID MUIR in the battleground state of Ohio yesterday. "She chokes...I've been given A-pluses for the job I did in Mexico." "The fact is Mexico will pay for the wall. It was discussed that it wouldn't be discussed but they know my stance and I know their stance," he said, ABC's ENJOLI FRANCIS notes. "And until I'm president, I'm not going to press anything very much but they fully know my stance. My stance is we're going to build a wall and Mexico's going to pay for the wall. It's very simple." http://abcn.ws/2c6Sb8s
Trump Talks Immigration Plan
Trump refused to say if undocumented immigrants who don't necessarily want to become citizens would have to leave the country, admitting the possibility that they could stay. When asked if some of the 11 million undocumented immigrants could stay, Trump told Muir, "It could be but what's going to happen is if you're going to be a citizen, you're going to leave and you're going to have to come back." More from ABC's CANDACE SMITH: http://abcn.ws/2cvaumU
Analysis - ABC's RICK KLEIN
David Muir's remarkable Labor Day interviews in Ohio with all four national candidates revealed sharp disagreements that were not unexpected. Hillary Clinton thinks Donald Trump "choked" in Mexico, while Trump says he didn't. Trump suggested that many undocumented immigrants could stay in the US, while Clinton and Tim Kaine insist he still favors deportation for all. But one thing both tickets can agree on: Nobody is confident moving into the fall stretch. Gone, even from Trump, is much of the bravado that has often attached itself to proclamations about campaign prospects. Both sides are eyeing the other one warily going into the debates. It's easy to fall back on phrases about how everyone always expected this to be a close race. That may not have been really true before, but now – as the calendar crunches and schedules crisscross – it truly is.
Trump Says 'People Don't Care' About Tax Returns
Trump said that people don't care about whether he should release his taxes, while Gov. Mike Pence argued that the calls to release them are a "distraction" from Hillary Clinton. "I think people don't care," Trump said Monday afternoon in Ohio of his tax returns, which he has not released. "I don't think anybody cares, except some members of the press." Trump said he's provided the "most extensive financial review of anybody in the history of politics" and because he's under a "routine audit," he's not able to make his tax returns public. According to ABC's VERONICA STRACQUALURSI, both Trump and Pence said that their tax returns would be released. http://abcn.ws/2cuN049
Clinton Says Bill Should Not Resign From Foundation Post Until After Election
Hillary Clinton told ABC News' David Muir yesterday that her husband, former President Bill Clinton, should not have to step down before the election from his position at the Clinton Foundation. "I don't think there are conflicts of interest," the Democratic presidential nominee said in a joint interview Monday with running mate Sen. Tim Kaine. "I know that that's what has been alleged and never proven. But nevertheless, I take it seriously." "I'm very proud of the work that the Clinton Foundation has done," Clinton said, ABC's ENJOLI FRANCIS notes. http://abcn.ws/2bZehsV
Trump 'Disappointed' in Kasich for Not Endorsing
Republican nominee Donald Trump said he was "disappointed" in Ohio Gov. John Kasich for backing out of a pledge all the Republican presidential candidates were required to sign in September of last year. "You know, I'm disappointed that people signed a pledge and they signed it so I would sign it," said Trump, who along with his running mate Gov. Mike Pence sat down for an exclusive interview with ABC's DAVID MUIR Monday afternoon in Ohio. "The pledges were signed by everybody so that I would sign it because they didn't want me to be out there as a free agent so to speak. And most of them came through," Trump said, pointing to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Dr. Ben Carson, both of whom he fought with during the primary season. ABC's VERONICA STRACQUALURSI has more. http://abcn.ws/2cvdEXK
Clinton Hits Back at Trump's Questions About Her Stamina
After a month dominated by 35 private fundraisers and few public campaign events, Hillary Clinton fired back at Donald Trump's questions about her stamina in an interview with ABC's DAVID MUIR -- saying her team "came out of that convention with an enormous amount of energy and enthusiasm." "No. Not at all," Clinton said when asked if she were being out-campaigned by her Republican rival, ABC's JOSH HASKELL writes. "We are now in full campaign mode. All the way to and through Election Day. And I feel very good about the organization we've built," Clinton told Muir alongside her running mate, Tim Kaine, in Cleveland, Ohio. http://abcn.ws/2ciql94
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