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| |  |  |  |  | Clinton Says Trump Choked in Mexico |  | Hillary Clinton said in an exclusive interview with ABC's DAVID MUIR yesterday that Donald Trump created a "diplomatic incident" last week with his trip to Mexico. "He came out saying one thing and the Mexican president contradicted him almost immediately," Clinton said, referring to Trump's claim that he did not discuss payment for the border wall, a centerpiece of his presidential campaign. "He didn't raise it, so he did choke. He didn't know how to even communicate effectively with a head of state. And I think that's a pretty clear outcome from that trip," she said. ABC's JOSH HASKELL has more: http://abcn.ws/2bSKbbF |  |  |  | Trump responded to Clinton's remark that he "did choke" by failing to get Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto to say that his country would pay for the building of a wall on its border with the U.S. "I don't choke," Trump told ABC's DAVID MUIR in the battleground state of Ohio yesterday. "She chokes...I've been given A-pluses for the job I did in Mexico." "The fact is Mexico will pay for the wall. It was discussed that it wouldn't be discussed but they know my stance and I know their stance," he said, ABC's ENJOLI FRANCIS notes. "And until I'm president, I'm not going to press anything very much but they fully know my stance. My stance is we're going to build a wall and Mexico's going to pay for the wall. It's very simple." http://abcn.ws/2c6Sb8s |  |  |  | Analysis - ABC's RICK KLEIN |  | David Muir's remarkable Labor Day interviews in Ohio with all four national candidates revealed sharp disagreements that were not unexpected. Hillary Clinton thinks Donald Trump "choked" in Mexico, while Trump says he didn't. Trump suggested that many undocumented immigrants could stay in the US, while Clinton and Tim Kaine insist he still favors deportation for all. But one thing both tickets can agree on: Nobody is confident moving into the fall stretch. Gone, even from Trump, is much of the bravado that has often attached itself to proclamations about campaign prospects. Both sides are eyeing the other one warily going into the debates. It's easy to fall back on phrases about how everyone always expected this to be a close race. That may not have been really true before, but now – as the calendar crunches and schedules crisscross – it truly is. |  |  |  |  |  |  |  | This email was sent to bamsdum.xiomi@blogger.com
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