Today's For the Record has the recap of last night's debate, plus the latest in an avalanche of October Surprises. But there's really no way to tell the story other than chronological order, so let's take it back to Friday ... | Yet another October with a Bush and a Clinton | The first of Friday's October Surprises came from the Washington Post, which obtained audio of Donald Trump talking about groping women in fairly graphic terms. | "Wait a sec," said every newspaper in the country, "have we ever used the word 'p---y' in print before?" "Yep, but only in the Pets Corner." "Oh wait, he also said 'b----.' Have we said 'b----'?" "Um ... yes. But again, only in the Pets Corner." | If you missed it: Trump did a segment with Access Hollywood's Billy Bush in 2005; prior to the segment, while his mic was live, Trump told Bush about trying to seduce a married woman, and how women let him kiss them and grab them by their (Pets Corner lingo) because of his star power. The Washington Post broke the story Friday, and a steady stream of Republicans -- especially ones in swing states -- condemned the comments, withdrew their support and/or called on Trump to step aside in favor of a new nominee on Saturday. (Most did it on Twitter or via press statements; Joe Heck, running for U.S. Senate in Nevada, tried it live. It could have gone better.) | Trump released an apology video Saturday evening, saying (in part): "I've said and done things I regret, and the words released today on this more than a decade-old video are one of them ... Bill Clinton has actually abused women, and Hillary has bullied, attacked, shamed and intimidated his victims." Foreshadowing, guys. | WikiLeaks had something after all! Our apologies | Just a bit later on Friday, BuzzFeed released what appear to be partial transcripts of Hillary Clinton's paid speeches to Wall Street execs, which Bernie Sanders was chasing like the Trix rabbit throughout the primaries. "Silly Sanders," said WikiLeaks, "transcripts are for general elections." The transcripts came via a hacked email from Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, who wrote an extremely helpful email highlighting all the things that sound bad. Among the highlights: | • | On Wall Street helping create Wall Street regulations: "How do you get to the golden key, how do we figure out what works? And the people that know the industry better than anybody are the people who work in the industry." | • | On open borders: "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, some time in the future with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere." | • | On letting the public know what you're doing: "I mean, politics is like sausage being made. It is unsavory, and it always has been that way, but we usually end up where we need to be. But if everybody's watching, you know, all of the back room discussions and the deals, you know, then people get a little nervous, to say the least. So, you need both a public and a private position." | | Seriously, Bernie would have loved this stuff! We bet he's somewhere right now, having a good chuckle. | The main event | The debate started without a damn handshake. "No handshake!" said pundits. "This is surely the gravest insult of all!" | Then Clinton said Trump was "not fit to be president and commander in chief." Then Trump said if he's elected president, she'd be heading to jail. So that's pretty much how the evening went. The rundown: | • | Health care: Clinton said she'd "save what works" in the Affordable Care Act; Trump said he'd repeal it and let the free market drive down costs. | • | Muslims and immigration: Trump said Muslims need to report threats and illegal activity; Clinton said we need to take in refugees from war in the Middle East. | • | Taxes: Trump said he'd eliminate loopholes; Clinton said that Trump should maybe pay some income tax at some point. | • | Russia and Syria: Clinton says Russian involvement in the Syrian civil war has made things worse; Trump says the Assad regime is fighting ISIS and hit back on criticism of Russia. Oh, and he called out his running mate Mike Pence for slamming Russia during the VP debate: "He and I haven't spoken, and I disagree." | • | Supreme Court: Clinton said her Supreme Court nominees would support abortion rights and marriage equality; Trump said his nominees would support the Second Amendment. | • | Energy: Trump said Clinton wants to put coal miners out of work with environmental regulations; Clinton said she'd invest in green energy, and that Trump is putting Americans out of work by buying Chinese steel to build his hotels. | • | Race relations and police reform: With the debate taking place less than 10 miles from the site of the 2014 Ferguson protests, the candidates were asked ... wait, never mind. That never came up. | | And yes, we have your fact check here. | But who won? | It was the closest call out of the debates so far. | • | CNN/ORC's poll of debate watchers called it for Hillary, 57% to 34%; prior to the debate, 58% of those polled said they backed Clinton. | • | YouGov's poll of registered voters had Clinton winning overall, 47% to 42%, and also among undecided voters, 44% to 41%. | • | Frank Luntz' 30-person focus group, gave the nod to Trump, 21 to 9, when asked, "Who had the greater positive impact on your voting choice tonight?" | • | Whatever online poll you voted on -- you know, the one where you voted multiple times from every household electronic device you could find, up to and including your microwave -- declared it to be a stunning win for your candidate, 94% to 6%. Nice. | | | More from the campaign trail | • | LA Times pundit scorecard calls it for Hillary (Los Angeles Times) | • | Iowans: Thanks for the debate, but we're pretty locked in to our candidates already (Des Moines Register) | • | Was Mike Pence looking to bail out? No, probably not, but could you imagine? (Indianapolis Star) | | Trump covers your favorite iPod tunes, circa 2004 | On Saturday night, he almost but not quite sang Hoobastank, then last night he almost but not quite sang Backstreet Boys. Later today he's gonna break out some 3 Doors Down. | |
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