Forget Star Wars: Episode I; we have an all-new metaphor for this campaign - last night's 6-6 tie between the Arizona Cardinals and Seattle Seahawks. It went on way too long, we lost sleep over it, and the whole time we were thinking, "Really? This is the best America has to offer?" The one plus side here: FiveThirtyEight says there's only a 0.4% chance the Electoral College will result in a tie. | AP: We're done here | We're just 15 days away from finals at the Electoral College, and Hillary Clinton is doing really, really well in math. Analysis by the Associated Press suggests that Clinton has big leads in states that add up to 213 electoral votes, and has leads in Democratic-leaning states that add another 59 votes. That would give her 272 electoral votes, just over the 270 she needs to take up residence in the White House again. | Donald Trump, on the other hand, has 106 electoral votes more or less locked up, with another 73 electoral votes from Republican-leaning states. Their breakdown: | • | SOLID DEMOCRATIC: California, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Massachusetts, Maryland, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington state (213 total electoral votes). | • | LEANS DEMOCRATIC: Colorado, Michigan, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin (59 total electoral votes). | • | TOSS-UP: Arizona, Florida, Maine 2nd District, Nebraska 2nd District, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Utah (87 total electoral votes). | • | LEANS REPUBLICAN: Alaska, Georgia, Iowa, Missouri, Texas (73 total electoral votes). | • | SOLID REPUBLICAN: Alabama, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia, Wyoming (106 total electoral votes). | | For a Trump victory, he'll need to sweep the toss-up states and capture at least one of the states that the AP has in Clinton's column. That's going to be a difficult task, what with the election being rigged. | Gold-plating the White House probably part of the 180-day plan | Donald Trump went to Gettysburg, Pennsylvania on Saturday to outline his first 100 days in office; apparently they will include both enacting his policy proposals AND going after everyone who's wronged him over the past 18 months. | The venue's symbolism was obvious, with Trump telegraphing to supporters he would fight long odds to secure victory. The policies he outlined were a summary of his past proposals, including the suspension of immigration from terror-prone regions of the world, his plan to enact congressional term limits and bans on certain lobbying practices, breaking up NBC Universal and building a wall on the border with Mexico. One intriguing change: Trump said the U.S. would fully fund the wall's initial construction, with Mexico reimbursing the U.S. after its construction. | As for the last few weeks of campaign drama, Trump complained about the "rigged system" and voter fraud, Clinton's eligibility as a candidate and the "dishonest mainstream media," and reiterated his plan to sue the women who have accused him of sexual misconduct. | "It is my hope that we can look at (Lincoln's) example to heal the divisions we are living through right now," Trump added. | Mishandling of classified information = comedy gold! | Looking for private email server jokes? Clinton speechwriter Dan Schwerin has been collecting them for 14 months, so he probably has a decent list by now. "(I)if anyone has a funny email/server joke, please send it my way," he wrote to colleagues on August 13 as the the campaign worked to defuse the email scandal. Team Clinton, operating under the belief that the incident would be short-lived , traded ideas on how to use humor to let voters know "she's in on the joke." At least one of the jokes made it into an Aug. 14, 2015 speech where Clinton spoke about her new Snapchat account: "I love it. Those messages disappear all by themselves." | Speechwriter and producer Jon Lovett (no, not Jon Lovitz) suggested social media posts featuring satirical email leaks from other politicians' private accounts; none of the jokes appear to have been used at any point. Among them: | • | FROM: TO: We still on for yoga? Want to get my shavasana on. | • | From: To: I miss you. I miss talking to you. Forget it, I'm just kidding. I shouldn't have sent this. Unless you agree. Call me? | • | From: To: Miss u, bro. By the way I asked dad's lawyer friend (Clarence Thomas) and you're wrong: nothing in the constitoosh says I can't be VICE president. | • | FROM: TO: OK, I cann barely type this but my hand i sstuck insdie the vendign machine aand if I let go I lose the snickers, tell me what to do boss. | | (Gutsy move to include a subtle Kenya reference in the Obama joke!) | Not everyone was on board with the humor angle. When the possibility of server jokes was brought up in March 2015, political consultant Mandy Grunwald wrote, "We don't know what's in the emails, so we are nervous about this. Might get a big laugh tonight and regret it when content of emails is disclosed." | More from the campaign trail | | | Victory is in your veins | A Nevada staffer with the Trump campaign has 1) extensive knowledge of Katy Perry's oeuvre, and 2) a lot of free time. After Perry appeared at a Clinton rally in Vegas, the campaign issued a brief statement referencing several of Perry's songs. Can you spot them all? | "Katy Perry's appearance reminds Nevada voters of the lack of enthusiasm behind Hillary Clinton's campaign, which has not been a firework, but a dud. She has been unable to get Millennials to rise to support her and the roar of scandal has plagued her campaign. From Hillary's disdain for everyday Americans, to her pay-to-play scheme at the State Department where she traded official access for millions of dollars in foreign donations to the Clinton Foundation, to putting national security at risk with her homebrew email server, Americans know who Hillary's living for, and it's not them. With voters wide awake to the consequences of a Hillary Clinton presidency, Nevadans unconditionally support change in Washington behind the leadership of Donald J. Trump." | - Charles Muñoz, Nevada State Director, Donald J. Trump for President | Answers: "Firework," "Roar," "Wide Awake," "Who Am I Living For?" and "Homebrew Email." | |
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