Welcome to the final week in review-election style - unless I just jinxed it and we'll spend future weeks tangled in a recount. If that's the case, I'm so sorry! But assuming all goes as planned, by next weekend we'll have a new president and this completely insane election will finally be over. |
This week, we've seen lots of people show up to the polls to vote early. Speaking of polls, they're tightening and Donald Trump now likes them again. But if Hillary Clinton ends up winning, her presidential honeymoon may be short. |
People aren't waiting 'til Election Day to vote |
There are more than 34 million people who have cast ballots for the next president of the United States so far. And that number could grow to as many as 50 million by Election Day. It's not that everybody is so excited about their choices that they can't wait to get to the voting booth. In many cases, it is quite the opposite. Many Americans - struggling with a bad case of election overload (see: Sheryl Crow trying to shorten the process) - voted so they could be done with the whole thing. |
Early votes could be good news for both Clinton and Trump, who have a habit of getting broadsided with scandals at inopportune moments. (Like having a 2005 videotape of you talking about groping women get released right before a debate. Or having the FBI announce that they found more emails that could have something to do with their previous investigation of your private server.) But it could also be bad news if the candidates are hoping to convince voters to change their minds. There are a few states where you can change your vote if you believe there's been an issue with your ballot. Does deciding you no longer back the candidate you voted for count as a spoiled ballot? Trump thinks so. |
"This is a message for any Democratic voters who have already cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton and are having a bad case of buyers' remorse - in other words, you want to change your vote. Wisconsin is one of several states where you can change your early ballot if you think you've made a mistake," he said during a rally in Wisconsin on Tuesday. "A lot of stuff has come out since your vote." |
Trump likes polls again - sort of |
There's no question about it, the polls are tightening. After Clinton was leading in almost all national and battleground state polls last month, Trump has taken back some ground. There's been a new set of surveys that show Trump gaining on Clinton. |
After an ABC News/Washington Post daily tracking poll showed Trump had made up 13 points in three weeks, Trump - who denounced polls when Clinton was ahead - decided he liked them again. Or at least he liked that one. |
Trump also made up some ground in states that had previously looked to be locked-down for Clinton. He passed Clinton for the first time in New Hampshire and he started to close the gap in Pennsylvania and Michigan. |
But Trump isn't going back to his old primary self, when he was a big fan of reading off all the polls he was leading in during his rallies. At a recent campaign event in Miami, he told his supporters not to believe the polls. |
"Don't believe it - don't believe it," Trump said. "Get out there and vote. Pretend we're slightly behind ... we don't want to blow this." |
If Clinton wins, Sanders supporters won't give her a honeymoon |
Bernie Sanders has fully embraced his role in helping get Clinton elected. (See this story on when Sanders, Clinton and Pharrell Williams all campaigned together. Aww.) Sanders has made it clear that he'll do everything to defeat Trump. But if Clinton wins, then next Wednesday he goes back to holding her accountable. |
"We've got to do everything that we can to elect Secretary Clinton," Sanders said at a Thursday rally in North Carolina. "And on the day after the election, we're gonna go back to work to make this country what we know it can become." |
His supporters agree. Here's the executive director of National Nurses United, which backed Sanders in the Democratic primary: |
"Nobody pushed Obama," RoseAnn DeMoro said. "She's not going to have that luxury. Bernie woke this country up in many ways and made them believe in their collective power." |
News from the trail |
• | Libertarian VP candidate Bill Weld makes the case for Clinton (USA TODAY) | • | Trump tries to hold North Carolina for GOP (USA TODAY) | • | Melania Trump wants to combat cyber-bullying, but doesn't mention her husband's record (USA TODAY) | • | Here's why Florida is so crucial to Trump (USA TODAY) | • | Feds are looking at al-Qaeda threats timed with election (USA TODAY) | • | Clinton writes a letter to 102-year-old supporter (Arizona Republic) | |
Huckabee, vouching for Trump, calls him a "car wreck" |
You don't have to spend a long time scrolling through Mike Huckabee's Twitter feed before you start seeing his signature metaphors. The former Arkansas governor loves to use colorful language to describe the political process, but his Friday tweet was strange - even for him. Early in the morning, Huckabee tweeted a shout-out to Trump by comparing the Republican nominee to a "car wreck." He did that even though he has endorsed Trump and his daughter works for the Trump campaign. |
"Trump may be a car wreck, but at least his car is pointed in right direction. Hillary is a drunk-driver going the wrong way on the freeway," Huckabee tweeted. Later, he clarified by saying that Trump "will bend fenders but is a vehicle going right way." We think he needs to work on his compliments... |
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