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The Note: A Race About Race


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November 2, 2016 MORE POLITICS >
A Race About Race
Tracking Poll - Trump Rated More Honest
Hillary Clinton trails Donald Trump for the first time this campaign in who's seen as more honest and trustworthy, a sign of further possible fallout from renewed FBI scrutiny of Clinton-related emails. A steady six in 10 likely voters disapprove of how she's responded to the issue. Given Clinton's advantage in other areas, the race between them is now a precise dead heat in the latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll, 46-46 percent. Notably, Trump has not gained significantly in being seen as more honest than Clinton. Rather her score has dropped by 7 points in this poll. Trump's lead in honesty and trustworthiness raises the question of whether Clinton has been damaged by Comey's announcement last Friday that the FBI was investigating additional emails that passed through her private server. ABC's GARY LANGER, CHAD KIEWIET DE JONGE, SOFI SINOZICH and GREGORY HOLYK have more: http://abcn.ws/2fuFyrY
Analysis - ABC's Rick Klein
The race has, at some level, always been about race – and the closing days figure to be no exception. The New York Times is documenting a drop in black turnout that could be critical to Hillary Clinton's efforts in Florida, North Carolina, and Ohio in particular. Clinton is promising a final pitch to Latino voters on the trail Wednesday, as she seeks to build a Clinton coalition that's distinct from the other side. Meanwhile, Donald Trump finds himself endorsed by the KKK's official newspaper, and white nationalists are preparing their own ground game on Trump's behalf, according to Politico. Campaigns don't need to own such efforts to benefit from them. The fact is the demographic makeup of the electorate is key to both sides' coalitions – and neither is as confident as they'd like to be this week.
Buyer's Remorse? Trump Tells Early Voters to Change Their Ballots
Trump continued his push to secure support from the other side of the aisle Tuesday -- telling early voters that they can change their minds if they have "buyer's remorse." "This is a message for any Democratic voter who have already cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton and who are having a bad case of buyer's remorse," he told rally-goers in Eau Claire, Wisc. "In other words you want to change your vote." ABC's JOHN SANTUCCI and CANDACE SMITH have more. http://abcn.ws/2e0fIv4
What a Trump White House Might Look Like
Donald Trump may have been viewed as the long-shot candidate for parts of the 2016 presidential race, but now, in the final stretch, the gap between the former reality star and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton appears to be shrinking. He's talked a lot about how he wasn't a politician before he started his campaign in June 2015. Now, if he wins on Nov. 8, he will arguably become the most important politician in the world. ABC's MEGHAN KENEALLY notes what we know about what his possible transition into the White House might look like. http://abcn.ws/2e1HSWw
What a Hillary Clinton White House May Look Like
The polls have ebbed and flowed throughout the race, and even early on when it appeared that Hillary Clinton was a frontrunner, she was careful not to speak about any plans for a possible return to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. The Clintons will be in uncharted territory for a number of reasons if the former secretary of state is elected -- the first woman president and a former president as her spouse -- but the terrain itself will be very familiar. ABC's MEGHAN KENEALLY notes what we've gathered about what a second Clinton White House could look like. http://abcn.ws/2e1GtiM
What Clinton and Trump Have Pledged to Do in First 100 Days as President
The presidential election will be over in a week, but candidates Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump have for months laid out the major issues they want to tackle in their first 100 days as president. Throughout their campaigns, Clinton and Trump have made promises on key issues that matter to voters — health care, government reform and raising the minimum wage. Each expects to be very active during their first three months in the Oval Office. ABC's ADAM KELSEY highlights what Trump and Clinton have promised to achieve in the first 100 days of their presidency: http://abcn.ws/2fe2sit
Trump Launches Ad Blitz in Optimistic Blue State Pitch
The Trump campaign appears to be riding high and operating optimistically headed into the final week of the presidential campaign. The clearest sign of that comes in the form of a $25 million ad buy that includes new spots in Pennsylvania, Michigan and New Mexico, all of which are classified as leaning Democratic in the current ABC News state ratings, reports ABC's MEGHAN KENEALLY. The only of those three states that has recent reputable polling is Pennsylvania, the latest of which has Clinton leading by six points in the Oct. 16 Quinnipiac survey. http://abcn.ws/2feugmX
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