The clock is ticking for Democrats and Republicans to reach a COVID-19 relief deal after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi set a Tuesday deadline for both sides to come together to restore urgently needed benefits before Election Day. |
Both sides are struggling to cut a deal weeks before the election. Democrats and Republicans are hundreds of billions of dollars apart in their proposals and unable to resolve major policy differences on COVID-19 testing, child tax credit provisions and funding for state and local governments. |
Congress passed a comprehensive aid package in March, and many of its provisions have lapsed. The federal boost to unemployment benefits ran out in July, airline assistance expired in October, and Americans weathering an economic recession eagerly await another round of relief checks. |
Trump continues to target Fauci |
President Donald Trump blasted Dr. Anthony Fauci, the government's top infectious disease expert, as a "disaster" on Monday, a day after Fauci said in an interview that it came as no shock to him when the president tested positive for COVID-19 because Trump regularly eschewed the use of masks "as a statement of strength." |
During a conference call with his campaign staff on Monday, Trump said Fauci drops a "bomb" every time he goes on television, but it would be "a bigger bomb if you fire him. This guy's a disaster." |
What else is going on? |
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