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For the Record: Trump blames immigrants (again)

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For the Record
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While most Americans were fulfilling their patriotic duty to grill hot dogs and drink beer, Donald Trump blamed illegal immigrants for how we treat veterans, Hillary Clinton marched in a Chappaqua, N.Y., parade with the little fanfare, and Bernie Sanders became the James Brown of political candidates in California. Because 'Merica.

Here's what you missed over Memorial Day (hint: It wasn't much).


Donald Trump likes to blame illegal immigrants for pretty much everything. And he went there again over the weekend, telling the Rolling Thunder biker rally in D.C. that undocumented immigrants get better care than veterans. (For the record, the VA scandal - where veterans  endured long waits and poor care at VA hospitals - involved bureaucrats who falsified records and accepted bribes, and is largely a problem of a broken federal agency, not immigrants. But whatevs.)

Trump promised to get veterans better care and then complained about the turnout: "I thought this would be like Dr. Martin Luther King, where the people would be lined up from here all the way to the Washington monument, right? Unfortunately, they don't allow 'em to come in."


Bernie Sanders was the weekend's Hardest Working Man in Politics, as he campaigned feverishly to win California. (As you may remember, this is now Sanders' strategy to win the nomination, delegate math be damned. Step 1: Win California. Step 2: ?? Step 3: Convince superdelegates to vote for him at the convention.)

So, while Trump railed against immigrants in D.C., Sanders attended multiple events in central California to talk about the plight of the farm worker and promise his support for comprehensive immigration reform. He railed against low wages, contaminated water and Trump's assertion that there is no California drought. Know your audience, right?


Remember a few months ago when Trump skipped a nationally televised debate and held a fundraiser for vets instead? He said at the time that he had raised $6 million, including $1 million of his own money. But as the Washington Post reported, it took four months for Trump to actually pay up on his promise. Questions linger about how he handled his and other people's money; a press conference today could resolve them. Maybe. Possibly. Allegedly. Perhaps.


Does Hillary Clinton face a different standard of honesty because she's a woman? (Washington Post)
Dems turn down Sanders' formal request to boot platform and rules committee chairs, who he says are Clinton apologists (USA TODAY)
House Speaker Paul Ryan still not ready to endorse Trump, is now touting #ConfidentAmerica agenda (speaker.gov)
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to party on Trump concerns: Relax (USA TODAY)


Politics suck sometimes (see, like, everything above). So let's throw off all that nastiness for two seconds to at least agree with Obama on this about Memorial Day. During a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Ceremony, the president  praised three soldiers who died in the fight against ISIS, saying they "didn't speak the loudest about their patriotism. They let their actions do that."


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