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For the Record: 99 days out

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For the Record
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Ninety-nine days until Election Day, kids! Remember how every four years over the past few decades, our presidential candidates would say something along the lines of "this is the most consequential election in American history"? Good news: We get to retire that political catchphrase forever -- much like retiring the names of particularly destructive hurricanes. In today's FTR, we take a look at the immortality of Donald Trump's campaign slogan, and also how he can't seem to walk away from an insult.

Next time, Donald, let it go

Trump spent the better part of the weekend keeping an anti-Trump speech in the national spotlight , thanks to his insatiable need to respond to every slight. Last Thursday a speaker at the Democratic National Convention, Khizr Khan, spoke about his son, a U.S. Army captain, who was killed in Iraq, while his wife looked on In the speech, Khan defended Muslim Americans, told Trump to read the Constitution and said, "You have sacrificed nothing and no one."

Did he let it go? Not a chance! Among his responses, delivered on ABC's This Week : 1) Questioning why his wife didn't speak: "If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say. She probably, maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me" (apparently under the impression that her pro-Trump opinions were being silenced); 2) Insisting that he did make sacrifices, and those sacrifices included being a businessman and having personal success. He finally closed the day with a statement clarifying things: "Captain Humayun Khan was a hero to our country and we should honor all who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our country safe. The real problem here are the radical Islamic terrorists who killed him, and the efforts of these radicals to enter our country to do us further harm." Ninety-nine day road map for the anti-Trump crew: Goad him in to stupid arguments.

Make [noun] [adjective] again

Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan isn't just the country's most popular hat slogan (narrowly edging "I Like Big Putts"), it could be one of the country's most memorable candidate tag lines ever . One Republican message strategist called it "one of the most iconic in U.S. political history. .... It is in many ways the definition of the Trump campaign. It fired up the base and united factions." Even haters can't hate. Democrat Sarah Burns said, "He's got a good slogan,'' before adding "He has no solutions to make America greater.''

What about Clinton's? The original "I'm With Her" slogan worked fine .. until it didn't. Trump told supporters, "She believes she is entitled to the office. ... You know what my response to that is? I'm with you -- the American people." Her latest slogan, "Stronger Together," probably isn't headed for the annals of political history, either. Far more popular at this point is her unofficial slogan: "Hillary Clinton: Ugh, fine."

No official endorsement yet from the Prince of Darkness

The polling firm Public Policy Polling  released one of the first post-convention polls over the weekend, and the numbers look good for Hillary, mostly. In a four-way race between Clinton, Trump, Gary Johnson and Jill Stein, Clinton holds a 5-point lead over Trump, 46% to 41%, with Johnson polling at 6% and Stein at 2%. In a two-way race, she has the same margin: 50% Clinton, 45% Trump. Her favorability numbers are back up to -6% (she was as low as -15% last month) while Trump remains at -22%, nearly the same as last month.

More bad numbers for Trump: 62% say he should release his tax returns; 51% say he can't be trusted with classified information. Clinton's bad numbers, however, are comically bad. Thirty-six percent of respondents said Clinton should go to prison; 18% said she had ties to Lucifer. And oddly enough, 2% of Hillary backers agreed that she probably has ties to Lucifer. Voters are taking this "lesser of two evils" thing way too seriously.

More from the campaign trail

Hillary begins assimilating Bernie's staff (Burlington Free Press)
Dead gorilla outpolling Jill Stein (Cincinnati Enquirer)

He also didn't misspell '&'

Everyone gave Trump a lot of grief for misspelling three words in a single tweet, but they never mention the 18 words he spelled correctly, which seems unfair.

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